Tuesday, November 17, 2009

for the love of books

Currently, I am reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Stern Men. Gilbert is the same author that wrote Eat, Pray, Love, which I fell in love with immediately. If you haven't checked that book out - you must. Right now.

The way Gilbert writes is so intriguing. Sometimes the words she uses to explain some of her experiences and thoughts make me feel like she looked right into my soul. Her books are perfect when you can curl up with a cup of tea and a long night ahead of you. They will make you think, make you smile, make you dream, and make you wonder.

Make sure you carve out some time for yourself this week. Grab a book, even if it's for only 15 minutes, and get lost. You'll be thankful.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

happy birthday, love!

this guy makes me smile like none other. can you tell?

finishing the chicago rock 'n roll marathon

showing off his moves at the farmer's market

enjoying a surprise brunch at "blue moon"

love, i wish you the best and brightest day today. thank you for reminding me how to dance throughout this life. you always bring a smile to my face and others around you. you'll never quite understand the positive effect you have on others, but never forget that you're appreciated beyond belief. there are no words available to express my love for you.

keep celebrating this life like you always have. happy birthday!

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

the meaning of "live"

Earlier today, I met up with a woman that I admire to no end. We were talking about life and how we were living it. She was just purely radiating and her joy was contagious. I realized the way she was referring to the word "live" when she spoke was in a way that many people forget. This woman actually lives life. She doesn't go day to day completely various tasks, but she actually lives every day like it's her last. She takes leaps, stands up for herself, loves with no boundaries, and embraces others. There is nothing that she is afraid of, and she's not worried about what others make think or say about her.

How glorious, right? It was a refreshing reminder that I'm so grateful for.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009


As of late i've let the craziness of life seep in... way in. Last night, after finishing oodles of paper writing and editing, I sat down with a cup of tea and found myself thinking. I thought about how I've been caught up in the busy routine of college, work, and just life in general. I realized that I've missed out on the beauty of life, and I've been living this life like a race. (and not a marathon race... more of a 100 meter dash race...) These realizations made me make a choice to slow down. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that this life is going to take me through valleys, mountains, and all over the place. I'm okay with that... actually, I'm excited for that. Bring on the challenges and the triumphs! What I want to do is to make a concious choice to enjoy the beauty of everything. Everything... including the hard times and the fun times.

After last night, I woke up with a new found confidence and calmness. I love these reflection moments. Moments where time stands still and you have the ability to see into your heart and soul.

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